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Antoinette Barnardo

FDN-P, CHPC, PN & CCI Coach, Psychological Stress Specialist & Yoga Teacher. Helping people reclaim health, vitality for max energy! Love yoga, adventure sports, meditation, philosophy & reading 😊

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5 Simple Diagnostic Tests That Can Reveal Why You Don't Feel Good

Running hot and cold is not a great way to live your life and it gets problematic when you feel like this most of the time or when symptoms persist - sometimes for years - and begin to rule your life.

5 Simple Diagnostic Tests That Can Reveal Why You Don't Feel Good
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You Are More Resilient Than You Think

You’re more resilient than you think – you just don’t realise it yet. And as a result - right now - you suffer from physical symptoms, lack of confidence or blaming others. Either way, you don't feel good.

You Are More Resilient Than You Think
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Is Your Job Killing You?

The common assumption is that we spend one third of our lives at work. I think we may all agree that the COVID pandemic, together with technological advancements this last decade has increased the time we spend working and saw a massive surge in our screen time while in the

Is Your Job Killing You?
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The Whole Person Approach

A whole person approach is a methodology I use when working with stressed out individuals. It encompasses both the interior and exterior elements of a person.

The Whole Person Approach
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Your Word(s) Create Your Reality

I have worked with many clients over the last few decades who want to take more action and get more things done in their lives. In my experience, taking action is not as simple as just doing something and experiencing a permanent shift or lasting change.

Your Word(s) Create Your Reality
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What Coaching Is And Why You Should Hire One

It's hard to ignore all the noise about coaching. You will hear a lot of people refer to themselves as a coach. Today I want to unpack this so you can be clear about if or why you would hire a coach to support you with your personal or professional goals.

What Coaching Is And Why You Should Hire One
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How To Reduce Your Stress By Creating A New Context

Let's begin by specifying what context is. The dictionary defines it as the place or type of surroundings where something is positioned or where an event takes place.

How To Reduce Your Stress By Creating A New Context
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What You Cannot See Is Making You Really Sick!

You've heard me mention hidden stressors and I want to qualify this for you in this post. Fact is we all have stress - it's a part of life and unavoidable.

What You Cannot See Is Making You Really Sick!